good fight
add sounds
good fight
add sounds
Thanks for voting, PriKedELiK!
Your vote was worth 5.29 votes. The more experience points you have, the more your vote is worth!
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 3.19!
Your my hero!
great job man!
try exalt contrast whith photoshop for a better visual...
ha ha ha ha
good but
a little confused... how die the skaters?
the Story is, the skaters going along, and runs over this big OAFS foot, and he falls down, they fight, the oaf knocks the skaters head off, and he eats his blood(heinz ketchup) and he says "mmm heinz works with just about everything"
i hope u'll continue....
i review but dont vote this... it's just a intro
i liked the song
yes yes yes
it's 8k and must stay here forever for me...
but i wanna more docs on emmit!
<b>Thanks for voting, PriKedELiK!
Your vote was worth 5.13 votes. The more experience points you have, the more your vote is worth!
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 2.52! </b>
it's great...
it's for this movie i'm SECOND today...
hi. i wanna say only a thing: RTFLASH IS A MONGOLOID!
moral philosopher
la sapienza, rome
rome, italy
Joined on 5/20/01